
Displaying 1 to 10 of 68 Listings
Name Location Phone Title Department
Allen, Grace 13023 937-512-2114 Web Development Intern
Application Development
Arnould, Zachary 13005 937-512-4357 Help Desk Analyst/IT Oper
User Support
Asante, Gideon 07324E 937-512-2114 Web Developer
Application Development
Audu, Mahmoud 10001 937-512-2121 Sr. Application Developer
Application Administration
Baessler, Betina 13000AA 937-512-2114 Admin Asst II
Information Technology
Battle, Kim 03230 937-512-4662 DME Printer Technician
IT Systems
Bey, David 13000P 937-512-2377 Systems Engineer
Server Based Computing
Branim, Jacob 07324E 937-512-2002 IT Lab specialist
User Support
Butts, Terry 13000K 937-512-3377 Network Engineer
Carroll, Joshua 13000Q 937-512-2278 Systems Engineer
Server Based Computing