2007 Enterprise All-Star Award
Network World selected Sinclair's ITS department as one of ten winners of their third-annual Enterprise All-Star Award. ITS' submission of a Secure LAN project presented their plan of integrating wireless and wired LAN security.
The need for connectivity security at Sinclair prompted researching, testing and implementing a network authentication process for all users of wired and wireless devices. Reasons for developing the Secure LAN Strategy include:
- the growth in wireless networking at Sinclair
- the need to provide protection from the introduction of wired and wireless guest computing devices
- protecting the network from viruses and worms.
An important benefit of the Secure LAN Strategy is protecting the personal informa;tion of students, employees, and alumni. Network World's article can be viewed (for a limited time) at http://www.networkworld.com/allstar/2007/112607-sinclair-lan-security.html.