Use of Personally-Owned Technology with Sinclair IT Resources

Hardware or software that is not purchased by the College may utilize Sinclair information technology resources providing that the following standards are followed:

  • Owners of the technology must assume responsibility for its use and abide by all contents of this policy and any other applicable College policies when using personal technology with Sinclair IT resources.
  • The college reserves the right to prohibit, block, and/or removes any personally owned technology from access to college-owned resources. Use of personal technology with College resources should be considered as a convenience or privilege, not as an expectation.
  • Documentation and communication related to official College business, personal information, student records, and other sensitive information should not be stored on non-college-provided resources unless specifically authorized and protected via an approved security technology.
  • Examples of personal technology include but are not limited to, non-departmental servers (WWW, ftp, etc.), 'cloud' services not provided by the College, modems, laptops, tablets, personal software, PDAs, cell phones, and wireless devices.
  • Owners of personally purchased software must abide by the terms of all software licensing agreements.
  • Owners must provide their own sources of technical support for their personal technology.