
Welcome to Wireless Access at Sinclair!

Wireless access is available to Sinclair students, faculty and staff, and guests/public in various public spaces inside all Sinclair Dayton campus buildings.

Access Level



This is “Web Only” access similar to the type of access when connected to the Internet off-campus. The user must log in with their Sinclair network username and password.

College Employees and Students
This includes all faculty, staff, and student employees.

Wireless Devices without the Sinclair Administrative Image or Not Owned by the College

Examples are tablets, personal laptops, and smart phones.

This is “Web Only” access similar to when a user is connected to the Internet off-campus. A login is NOT required.

This includes guests/public.

Any Type of Wireless Device


For any questions or additional information about Employee and student wireless access, please contact the IT Help Desk at helpdesk@sinclair.edu or at 512-HELP (4357).